


The followings are the list of my papers and recent presentations. My research interests are in growth theory, property rights, and differential game.

Journal Papers

Discussion Papers

Papers in Japanese

Work in Progress

  • 川脇慎也, 天龍洋平, 新美尚行., (2024) 「初年次教育用テキスト作成の事例報告」, mimeo.
  • Tenryu, Y., (2024), Production externality, industrial growth, and patent cooperation

Recent Presentations

  • 「初年次教育用テキスト作成の事例報告」 , 第72回九州地区大学教育研究協議会, 沖縄県市町村自治会館, 2024年9月.
  • “Production externality, industrial growth, and patent cooperation,” マクロ経済学セミナー, 京都大学, 2024年5月.
  • “Capital Income Tax, R&D Technology, and Economic Growth,” Western Economic Association International 97th Annual Conference, Hilton Downtown Portland, Oregon, USA, July 2022.
  • “Capital Income Tax, Linear R&D Technology, and Economic Growth,” KIER Joint Research Project Workshop on Uncertainty and Economic Growth, Seinan Gakuin University, Japan, January 2019. (in Japanese)